Michael Fehr & Rico Baumann
CINEUROPA, An irreverent comedy, Muriel Del Don, 01.02.2022
Blick, Bernerin lässt K-I-T-T auferstehen, Jean-Claude Galli, 17.05.2022
Swiss TV, Gesichter & Geschichten, SRF, 09.05.2022
Radio Prague International, Schweizerisch-Tschechische Tragikomödie, Till Janzer, 19.11.2021
Otec utekl do ráje, kterým syn pohrdá. Kdo je svobodnější? iDNES, Mirka Spáčilová, 15. 11. 2021
Grosses Berner Filmschaffen, Tages Anzeiger, Martin Burkhalter, 23.01.2022
“Lost in Paradise” – die neue Schweizer Feel-Good-Komödie, St. Galler Tagblatt, Anja Nora Schulthess, 11.05.2022
First-ever Czech-Swiss co-production Lost in Paradise shoots in Prague, Cineuropa, Martin Kudláč, 01.08.2019
Lost in Paradise
debut feature by Fiona Ziegler
Evžen could have gone down the safe path, studied dentistry in Switzerland and having taken over his father’s practice. Instead, he decides to explore his native country, from where his father emigrated in 1968, and goes to Prague to open a music club. But man proposes, God disposes – Evžen finds himself suddenly back on the road to Switzerland, while in his head, he recapitulates the mistakes he made. Lost in Paradise is a tragicomic mosaic about remorse, the differing values of two cultures, and an absurd road movie that takes us from the heart of Bohemia into “the Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie” and towards the reconciliation of a father-son story.
Original title: Ztraceni v ráji / Lost in Paradise
Length: 75 min
Country: Switzerland, Czech Republic,
Produced by: Catpics (CH), Cinémotif Films (CZ)
Co-produced by: FAMU
With the support of: Czech Film Fund, Nadační fond Praha ve filmu Prague Film Fund, Berner Filmförderung, Zürcher Filmstiftung, Bonny Stiftung für die Freiheit, Succès passage antenne SRG SSR, Ursula Wirz Stiftung, Bundesamt für Kultur, Burgergemeinde Bern, Gemeinde Muri-Gümligen
Shooting format: Digital 2K / Color
Screen ratio: 1:2,39
Format: 5.1, 24 fps
Original language: Czech, German, Swiss German
Distribution Czech and Slovakia: CinemArt
Distribution Switzerland: Frenetic-Films
Streamer: Netflix CZ & SK, Apple TV (CZ), PlaySuisse (CH)
Writer: Fiona Ziegler
Director: Fiona Ziegler
Producer: Rajko Jazbec, Kristýna Michálek Květová
Cinematography: Yvona Teysslerová
Editor: Christof Schertenleib, Luka Đikanović, Fiona Ziegler
Sound: Jan Richtr
Music: Martin Skalský
Art Director: Ivana Kanhäuserová
Costume Designer: Michela Flück, Naděžda Rejmanová
Cast: Hana Vagnerová, Dominique Jann, Ivan Pokorný, Andri Schenardi, Heidi Maria Glössner, Peter Jecklin, Matyáš Řezníček, Robert Nebřenský, Vratislav Brabenec
MFI Script2Film
Crossroads Co-Production Forum
Midpoint | Script Development Workshop Norway
28th Prague IFF Febiofest 2021; Eastern Delights
13th Ostrava Kamera Oko Film Festival 2021; Opening Film
57th Solothurn Film Festival 2022; Nomination: Prix du Public
KinEst Fest Catania 2022; Public Award: Best Film
Kino na Granicy / Kino na hranici 2022
International Road Movie Festival Pilsen 2022
Das Filmfest 2022 – Festival deutschsprachiger Filme
BE MOVIE – Festival des Berner Films 2022